Abner - Male Pug Mix

We do not have a facility to house the dogs in our program. They are all kept in foster homes until they are adopted. Therefore if you are interested in adopting from CCHS you have to complete an online application at -X -.--------X.- adoption-application.html and we will contact you asap about the status of your application.Sweet Abner was turned into the local shelter when his family could no longer care for him ( Understandibly he was sad and confused. He was also very scared. The shelter staff loved him so they reached out to rescue. And when an LHS foster heard his story she quickly took him into the foster care program where he now waits for his forever home. Little Abner is very sweet but a bit shy . But just in the few days he has been in foster care he has made great strides He likes to lay in his bed and watch his foster mom cook ) He does great with the resident doggies and would likely do well with cats. And given his temperment he would do best in a home with older kiddos. Abner is about 5 yrs old and weighs 15lbs. He is neutered microchipped and UTD on vaccines. However as his previous family did not keep him on HW preventative he tested positive. He will be going to the vet for treatment and will need to be a man of leisure for 30days then be able to resume regular activity. He is crate trained and nearly housetrained. So if you are interested in giving this sweet deserving soul a home please fill out an application online. His foster family will be in touch within 24 hrs VIA EMAIL.... More Info



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