Caesar - Male RottweilerDoberman Pinscher Mix

Looking for a big goofy fun-loving pup Caesar is your guy He is very smart & well-mannered. He is a Rottweiler Doberman Mix approx. 2 years old. Caesar is neutered up to date on vaccinations Heartworm Negative Microchipped & housebroken. He is an excellent walker on the leash or off leash - which is hard to believe for a 90 dog - but he is very well trained He s even been trained to walk on his owner s left side. He is ball crazy - & loves to play fetch Caesar gets along great with all dogs & is a friendly boy to everyone he meets His ideal home would include some room for him to run play or an active person family that will spend lots of time walking playing running going on adventures with him. Did we mention how great he is in a car too He is quite the catch - & would love a home to call his own If interested in Caesar please email ---XX(at)--- for more information or for our adoption application. This dog is currently in a foster home not at our facility.... More Info



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