joe Shmoe - Male BeagleLabrador Retriever Mix

Hi. I m Joe and I m looking for my furever home. I came in to the shelter as a stray and they think I m about 5 years old and I m a great size at right about 30 pounds. The shelter was a bit much for me so the great folks there found me a foster home. I ve shown them that I am a GREAT dog I know basic stuff like sit where to potty how to walk on a leash and I know not to chew on stuff. Sometimes I get a little feisty around the cat so probably no cats for me. The dogs here are fine they don t bother me and that s how I like it. I recently met an energetic little dog who really wanted to play and that was NOT ok with me So if you have other dogs as long as they don t expect me to play with them all of the time and they give me some space that could work. If you ask my foster mom she ll bring me to meet and we can see.... No other pets I think I would LOVE that I really like my people and if I can have you all to myself I would be a happy boy I love to cuddle and be near you. I m fairly low energy - no zoomies around the house for me One other thing - crates in my opinion are scary so please don t put me in one. I know how to behave when you re not home so it s completely unnecessary for me. Think we should meet Email my foster mom and please share a little bit about yourself ----(at)--- Paws Joe Primary Color Black Weight 32 Age 5yrs 3mths 0wks... More Info



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