Fancy - Female Boxer

Fancy is a sweet low energy girl who loves to snuggle on the couch She is approximately 8-9 years old. She has started treatment for heartworm infection so she won t be available for adoption until that s complete - but we re hoping she can find a foster-to-adopt family who can help her get thru the rest of her treatment. Fancy doesn t mind the company of other mellow dogs but she does not enjoy rowdy puppies. She enjoys the peaceful life... maybe that could be with you Visual breed identification in dogs is unreliable so for most of the dogs we are only guessing at predominant breed or breed mix. We get to know each dog as an individual and will do our best to describe each of our dogs based on personality not by breed label. Each dog in our rescue is in a loving foster home where they can grow play and recover from their time spent on the streets or in a shelter. If you d like to meet an adoptable dog please fill out an application on our website -.-X.-. Because we are a foster home based rescue a completed adoption application is required to meet our adoptable dogs. ... More Info



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