Sylvia - Female Domestic Longhair Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website. Sylvia showed up as a stray. Beautiful long haired Torti. The Fayette Humane Society took her in got her updated on her vaccinations (previosly spayed) and she s now ready to be adopted. She is so friendly and sweet. Obviously was lost because she just wants to sit in your lap and snuggle (Like she is saying thank you for rescuing me ) Interested in adopting Click the following link to complete a pre-adopt application -X ----X.- available-cats catkitten-pre-adopt-questionnaire All our pets are tested for heartworm (dogs) or FLV FIV (cats) spayed neutered and up-to-date on their vaccines and flea prevention. Please visit -.----X.- for info on adopting our pets.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.All our pets are tested for heartworm (dogs) or FLV FIV (cats) spayed neutered and up-to-date on their vaccines and flea prevention. Please visit -.----X.- for info on adopting our pets. ... More Info



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