Flaco - MINI AUSSIE - Male Australian Shepherd

This sweet boy LOVES his toys and enjoys playing with kids Flaco is a 12 month old playful and extremely sweet Blue Tri Miniature Australian Shepherd who is 16 tall weighs 17lbs and has a docked tail. Flaco s has an uncommon coat color referred to as dilute black tri otherwise known as blue tri. He is currently a little underweight and his hair was cut short prior to him being rescued by TMAR from a Southeast Texas shelter but it will grow into that long gorgeous Mini Aussie coat we all love. Flaco is very toy motivated and LOVES nothing more than to be playing with his toys as well as fetching Frisbees and balls. He really enjoys going outside to play in the yard. He is super friendly loves to snuggle and has never meet a stranger. Flaco knows how to sit is crate trained and house trained. He likes to play with the other dogs in his foster home and seems to get along with all dogs. Flaco would do best in an active home with or without another playful and friendly dog. He d also like a home with some older kids to wear him out. Mini Aussies do not mature until age 2 years old so Flaco is still a puppy. Flaco is being fostered in McKinney TX. If you are interested in adopting Flaco please review the adoption process at -X -.-------.- adoption-process.html and afterwards complete the adoption application as indicated in this link. A completed adoption application is required prior to being approved to meeting any of TMAR s dogs in their foster homes.TMAR does not adopt dogs outside of the great state of Texas nor do we ship dogs. Flaco is only available for adoption in the Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding areas.... More Info



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