URGENT on 323 SAN BERNARDINO - Female Chihuahua Mix

COURTESY POSTING Please contact the shelter for further information on this pet as our email address only reaches our volunteers who courtesy post the dogs in this shelter to help them find homes. Call (909) ---X to check current availability and obtain further information (we suggest calling prior to driving to the shelter to check current availability).DATE THIS DOG BECOMES URGENT March 23PET ID A491626AGE 1 year old These dogs are EXTREMELY TIME SENSITIVE. Will you save their life After a 96 hours hold (less if they were surrendered by their owners) once they enter the shelter they become URGENT. They need adopters or they will succumb to euthanasia. These dogs need someone to open their heart and their home to them. The shelter is sadly very high and fast kill due to the amount of owner surrenders and strays in that area and not enough space to house them all. So many adorable deserving dogs are losing their lives every week. Remember - dogs in the shelter may be stressed or scared. It s a frightening place to be. They may not always show their true personality - please don t pass them by - give them a second chance at life SAN BERNARDINO ANIMAL SHELTER 333 Chandler Place San Bernardino CA 92408Phone (909) ---XAdoption Fee 55 spay neuter cost (varies by weight - contact shelter for details)SHELTER HOURS Tuesday - Saturday 10 00 AM to 5 00 PM-X -.XX.-----X.XX.XX cityhall police_department animctrl adoptions.asp... More Info



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