RHINO - Male Pit Bull Terrier

Visit Rhino s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 2016 11 05 rhino for photos and more.Rev up your engines and get ready to have fun fun fun with Rhino This boy invented the zoomies and oh does he know how to bust a moveLoves playing with females dogsWould be thrilled to have a playful girl dog companion in his home who loves to get her play on as much as he doesSuper adorable--just look at that face Totally smooshy squishable love that you won t be able to keep your hands off ofLoves everyone he meetsSo full of life and happinessAlready knows how to sit on command and is treat motivatedExuberant in how he shows affection--he s just so thrilled to get affection from people he ll make you feel absolutely adoredWhat more could you want than this outrageously cute and happy boy who will love you to the moon and back Come adopt Rhino today PBSOC offers adoption counseling via email for large-breed dogs at ------XX(at)---. Visit our adoption page or fill out our adoption application and email it to us. Also like us on Facebook ... More Info



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