Ruby (caramel) - Female German Shorthaired Pointer Mix

Are you looking for a partner in all of your outdoor adventures Maybe a companion for hunting trips Or just a running buddy Then Ruby would like to meet you This pretty girl is the life of the party and can keep you entertained all day long with her silly tricks. Sweet Ruby has already gotten started on the basics. She is house trained (as long as she has a consistent schedule) crate trained and knows how to sit. She is still needs working on her basic manners like walking on a leash and not jumping up. We would strongly recommend that her future family invest in professional training to help this girl be the very best dog she can be Ruby does well as an inside dog while supervised but truly loves being in the great outdoors. She enjoys playing in the creek in the summer time and running around outside. She would be best in a home with a fenced in yard or in the country with room for her to roam. Besides people Ruby really loves to be with other dogs. She has a blast playing with other pups big or small and would love to have a friend in her new home. While she likes cats she sometimes does not understand that she is much bigger and will try and play too rough so a home without cats would probably be best. Don t let this girl go by without meeting her Primary Color Chocolate Merle Weight 15.6 Age 0yrs 9mths 2wks... More Info



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