Clarence - Male Poodle (Miniature)

Hey did someone say PARTY I m always up for fun and I am certainly an entertainer. I came to Chihuahua Rescue from the Big House I was not looking so hot and no other rescues were really looking at me so Chihuahua Rescue took me in. My teeth were awful and in pain and my fur was really scruffy and I had some allergies from bad food. But after a good groom and good food a neuter and a dental I m looking FINE So here I am all ready to go to my forever home I know you will love me Let s meet VERY soon Chihuahua Rescue says Clarence is a 5-6 year old pure bred poodle. He weighs about 13 and he is very social and has a lovely personality He is playful and engaging with pets and people He is a work in progress on his house training. He will need ongoing grooming and he will require attention to his skin as he has allergies that seem to be related to food. He is doing well on a good diet. So attentive vet follow up maintenance of heartworm and flea prevention are necessary as with all the pets. Clarence hs an adoption fee of 250 and he is available for adoption now to the right home... More Info



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