Luke - Male Boxer Mix

Looking for the most handsome dog in town. Not to brag but I have got to be him. My name is Luke (579639) and I am an 8 year old Boxer mix boy. Beyond my good looks I know how to charm you with my friendliness and good attitude. I like to give hugs and be by your side. I might even roll over for a belly rub Good looks and smart too Yep That is me I know SIT and a smart guy. Come meet me today and go home with a new buddy. Check out all our animals on the links below Dog Album - -X -.XX CCASAdoptDogs Cat Album - -X -.XX CCASAdoptCats Click here to get a 25 off coupon -X -.XX CCASCoupon All adoptions include spay neuter microchip and first round of vaccinations. If you are interested in adopting me please visit me at Collin County Animal Services - 4750 Community Ave McKinney TX. Shelter is open Tues-Fri 9-6 Sat-Sun 12-5... More Info



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