Business IT Support - Helping Your Business Grow - Small Busines

Business IT Support Impress Computers has knowledgeable dedicated staff who will provide the support and technological solutions to improve your business processes. Whether you need a small business server or a workstation upgrade our staff will assist you make the right decision. If your computers are down and you need to get up and running we can be on site within a short space of time to reduce your downtime. On-Site service calls are 120 per hour. We offer a discounted rate for in-house repairs at 69 per hour at our fully equipped Computer Store on Fry Rd. Choose a Small Business Server Data Recovery When it comes to protecting valuable computer data most of us know that we should be making regular backups because a system failure would cause unthinkable hardship. Even with this knowledge many customers live through each day without a backup for accounting data databases digital photos and other important files that are irreplaceable In the event that your hard drive has failed formatted in error or has become unstable our technicians will work to recover your data. If we are not successful there is no charge Managed IT Service Regular maintenance of your network servers and workstations reduces downtime and increases productivity. Monthly maintenance includes Server Monitoring for disk space backup failures and other errors Network failures Hardware and software problems Desktop Support New workstation Setup Ensure that anti virus programs are up to date and running effectively



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