Earl - Male DachshundLabrador Retriever Mix

Meet Earl He is a big solid low rider 2 year old lab standard dachshund who weighs 33 pounds Up until now Earl has sadly lived his entire life as an outside dog and most likely hadn t been given any heart worm prevention so when we got him he tested light positive. We have started him on the slow kill and we will send him home with his medicine to get rid of them all. The good news is Earl is young in great health and doesn t show any clinical signs of heart worms s...o he will make a full recovery. Earl is very gentle with the little dachshunds and plays with them. He just loves everyone and is as sweet as he can be He is also dog door trained and crate trained here so he should pick up houstrainjng very easily ) Earl is neutered microchipped and is up to date on his vaccines. His adoption fee is a 250 donation. Here is the link to our application -XX --X.----.- of f c YSHTKGDY



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