Cadillac Jack (1977 - 1985 RWD DeVille/Fleetwood Brougham) - Pri

Up for sale is a jack crow bar wrench and related fasteners that came off of my 1984 Fleetwood Brougham (RWD). I believe this jack will fit all 1977 - 1985 RWD DeVilles and Fleetwood Broughams. I suspect this would also work for the 1986 - 1992 RWD Cadillac Broughams . This may even work for other GM models that are a similar size to this vehicle - please check your application first. My selling price of 40.00 (Cash) is firm. If interested please call me at 856-767-8795 to schedule an appointment to meet. If you prefer to send an e-mail please put Cadillac Jack in subject line so I know it s not Spam otherwise your inquiry will go unanswered.



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