Amps and processors - Price: $300

READ ENTIRE LISTING WILL NOT ANSWER EMAILS OR TEXT MESSAGES. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED THEN PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL. selling the following unused gear. Behringer UltraGraph Pro 150.00 or best offer Behringer Autocom Pro 110.00 or best offer DBX 223s crossover 140.00 or best offer Peavey PV VSX crossover 225.00 or best offer Peavey PV-3800 amplifier 350.00 or best offer Crown Macrotech 1200 300.00 or best offer Peavey PV 1200 amplifier 300.00 or best offer Audio Centron RMA 1600 amplifier 350.00 or best offer Images are actual gear. Racks and plates not included in sale. TO PURCHASE OR MAKE AN OFFER CALL....



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