Berlin Slider - Male Turtle - Water

Berlin is an adult male aquatic red-eared slider (RES) turtle. H e s in the Baltimore area but transport is available to the York area. He s about 6 and a little over 5 years old. That s kind of young for a turtle (sliders can live 20-30 years typically) so he might put on another inch over time. He s been living in a 30 gallon tank so a 55 gallon tank would be a real upgrade for him (although larger is nice too). He eats Mazuri Reptomin and Zoo Med turtle pellets and other brands of pellets dark leafy greens thin slices of sweet potato. He won t turn up his nose at a piece of plain cooked chicken either. Berlin was surrendered because his person had major health issues and couldn t take care of him any more. Berlin was originally found as a juvenile on the Eastern Shore of Maryland even though sliders aren t native to Maryland. Since it s illegal to release a non-native turtle Berlin has to stay a pet. We don t know if he ll get along with other males and we do NOT want him placed with females. His picture was taken at an adoption event and he s sitting on a home-made basking platform of egg-crate screen in a 10 gallon tank (a very temporary enclosure) to give you an idea of how big he is. He d be a good indoor pet if you re willing to have a 55 gallon aquarium or a Rubbermaid stock tank in the family room. He really loves watching people and he s not stressed by people coming and going. Sliders can live for 20-60 yrs and can grow to be 5-8 for males and 8-11 for females. They need large indoor aquariums or ponds a basking spot and water filtration. Indoor ponds and aquariums require a haul-out spot a.k.a. basking spot a heat light over a basking spot a UVB light over the basking spot a high-powered filter and usually a water heater. Outdoor ponds must be in an escape-proof yard or the pond itself must be escape-proof. If you have a backyard pond the turtle can t go outside for the first time until May but can live year-round outside after that. Babies shouldn t go outside until they re about 3 so they don t become bird food. If using an aquarium a good rule of thumb is at least 10 gallons per inch of turtle (straight carapace length). So a 6 turtle will need at least a 55 gallon aquarium. For ideas on how to prepare an aquarium or pond visit -.---XX.- to chat with other keepers. Review the slider care sheet to learn more about caring for a slider. -X --.-XX.- ae4cb36565545a257b1ff6f17a885dc2 AccessKeyId A3E784782F81D21389AD& disposition 0& alloworigin 1 You can also get the book Red-Eared Sliders (Animal Planet Pet Care Library) at most Petco stores. There is no adoption fee for sliders from MATTS but you must complete an application and if approved supply pictures of set-ups before taking the turtle. HOW TO ADOPT REQUEST AN ADOPTION APPLICATION Applications can be mailed to you either as an e-mail attachment or through the US Postal Service. E-MAIL -----(at)---XX to request an application. INCUDE YOUR CITY AND STATE IN THE E-MAIL. Complete the application in full. A vet reference is required even if your vet does not see turtles. If you do not have a vet please explain the reason. We need to know that you understand how to care long-term for a turtle or tortoise. This includes the correct size and type of housing proper food hiding spots substrate lighting humidity and water requirements. On the application describe IN DETAIL how you intend to care for your new pet. If you currently own turtles or reptiles please include a picture of your set-up(s) including lighting basking spots hiding spots and any pertinent information that proves you have proper enclosures. Pictures of outdoor enclosures should indicate that the enclosure is escape-proof and watering areas hiding spots and the like should be visible. If you re looking to add a turtle or tortoise in with another turtle please include that in the application. If you do not currently own a reptile include a full description of how you intend to care for the animal in which you are interested. This includes the size of enclosure types of food you will offer substrate (for non-aquatics) what will be used for hide spots types of lighting for indoor enclosures fencing for outdoor enclosures etc. Pictures of outdoor areas that will serve as the site of future enclosures will be helpful. Once you ve been approved we ll let you know so you can prepare an enclosure for the turtle then send a picture of the completed enclosure before picking up the turtle or arranging for shipment. ... More Info



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