PDA Device Closure procedure in India Healing Touristry

PDA Device Closure procedure in India. The ductus arteriosus is present in all foetuses enabling blood to bypass the non-working lungs. During childbirth or not long after birth as the infant inhales the Ductus Arteriosus would usually close permanently. Inability to do so outcomes in Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) which is an open channel enabling blood to flow out of the aorta (vein carrying blood from the heart to the entire body) to the pulmonary artery (vein supplying the lung).Get in Touch Healing Touristry Private Limited Office No. 402 PP Tower Netaji Subhash Place Pitampura New Delhi-110034 India Phone No. - 91 11-40515697 Mobile No. - 91 9821195249 E-Mail Id - info(at)healingtouristry.com Website s www.healingtouristry.com specialities-detail PDA-device-closure-procedure



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