Reeve s Turtle - Male Turtle - Water

I m a male juvenile Reeve s turtle for adoption in the Baltimore York area. I need at least a 20 gallon tank for now and when I m full grown I ll need at least a 40 gallon aquarium but larger will be better. A 50 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank would be a great enclosure for me (and stock tanks are much cheaper than aquariums). Reeve s usually need slightly shallow water but we can handle deep water IF it s warm enough and it s a good idea to have gradually sloping basking areas that we can reach easily or some kind drift wood or aquatic plants that we can use from the bottom of the tank to the water surface. I should have a basking platform and a good heat light and UVB light. I have a brother that could be adopted with me too.I m eating pellets such as Omega One Mazurui turtle chow or Zoo Med and an occasional treat of an earthworm or piece of plain cooked chicken or an earthworm. There is a 20 adoption fee. To request an application e-mail -----(at)---XX - make sure to indicate your CITY and STATE. Maryland residents require a DNR permit to have a turtle under 4 in shell length. The permit is 25 annually and has to be renewed every December until the turtle is 4 .I should be 4 in a year or two.If you are considering an aquatic turtle you might consider getting the book Red-Eared Sliders (Animal Planet Pet Care Library) from TFH Publications Inc. Neptune City NJ (2011) available in Petco stores or from -X -.--.-... More Info



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