Comet - Male Shepherd (Unknown Type)Terrier (Unknown Type Medium

Hi my name is Comet. My foster mom says I am very quiet - she has not heard me bark yet I love to be with my people. I am super sweet and gentle with people kids and even cats I just give cats a friendly sniff and go on my merry way. My foster family is working on my social skills with other dogs only because I am very submissive when meeting new dogs. My potty training is a work in progress so my new family can continue to help me with patience and a structured routine. Puppy pads are helping with that and my foster mom can tell you what is working for me. I don t need harsh corrections because I am on the timid side but I do LOVE treats and am very food motivated. I get treats for walking on the leash pottying outside and for good interactions with people and dogs. So that kind of positive training makes me very excited and I look for my treats when I know I have done a good job My foster mom says I am a very sweet and loving boy and that I am opening up a lot to her and her children. I also do very well in the crate So what do you say Are you my patient loving family who will help a super sweet boy like me continue to blossom into an amazing dog If so email -X(at)-----X. Because we require home visits we only adopt locally to the Dallas Fort Worth area. For more on adoption policies please see the Adopt page of our website -.----.-.... More Info



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