Myles - Male Carolina DogShepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

Hi there my name is Myles I am a three month old bundle of joy I am doing really good with my potty training and crate training. I am very smart - you will see. I am just starting to learn basic commands and am catching on quickly. I play very well with other dogs but will go off and play by myself if there are no dogs around. I love playing with tennis balls and chewing on Nylabones. I do great with kids of all ages. I have figured out what I can chew on and what I can t as long as I have my toys around. I will play and play but then I will come running to you when I want affection. If you are looking for a wonderful puppy to make you happy for years to come I m the puppy you have been searching for For more on making me yours forever email -X(at)-----X. Because we require home visits we only adopt locally to the Dallas Fort Worth area. For more on adoption policies see the Adopt page of our website -.----.-.... More Info



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