Ralph purebred - Male Dachshund

LOCATED IN REDDINGsee site for all adoption info-.-X.-Xplease read bio and email us for more detailed infoor check backPlease only apply if you owned this breed before and have the patience to continue his potty training routineRalph is a 14 month old purebred red Dachshund he loves to play with other dogs of any size likes toys and blankets being warm snuggling with his humans loves giving kisses too once he knows you and feel comfy around youRalph is a very well taken care of pup was never in a pound but raised in a loving home.He is fun and playful and very cute and looking for a perfect forever match in a breed experienced adult home with a fenced yard and lots of timeLooking for either young retired or someone that can keep up with a young dogPlease read his detailed bio before you applyonline apps only-.-X.-XemailSave A Dog Today---X(at)---adoption fee references fenced yard pics of home... More Info



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