Apollo - Male Labrador RetrieverTerrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mi

Hi my name is Apollo and I ll tell you all I know about myself I am a male dog estimated to be about 6 months old as of January 2016. The vet doesn t know what breeds I might be but the volunteers here at the shelter think a Labrador Retriever Terrier mix of some kind. I guess I ll go along with that. What do I know I m just a puppy.I have made a lot of new friends here and am currently in a pen with another puppy and we are having a ball playing. I also like attention from the volunteers and they are teaching me how to properly walk on a leash. What I really want is a furrever home and I hope that is with you. Apollo resides at a rescue organization in Arkansas. Please contact Gail Ross at -----X or via email at ---(at)---XX to discuss this dog. You can find our adoption application by going to www.Gailspets.org and clicking on the Adoption Application tab. The application when completed and submitted will be electronically sent to Gail s email address.... More Info



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