Jude - Male Miniature

Jude came to us in August 2014 from a Department of Agriculture investigation. He was extremely emaciated and you could count just about every bone in his body. He was also a stallion at the time. We nursed him back to health and he was able to be gelded in January 2015. Jude is very friendly and loves to be with people. He has a willing attitude and will make a flashy cart horse. Jude does need someone with experience to teach him the things he needs to know. He is a well mannered boy just needs an education. This summer (2015) Jude has come along very well - he leads nicely you can pick up his feet does well for the farrier and has turned into an incredibly beautiful gentleman - he has great conformation and would look so awesome as a cart pony Jude s adoption fee is 300.Adopters must be 21 or older if you are under 18 please have a parent contact us as our adoption agreement is a legal agreement which must be made with an adult. We do welcome volunteers of any age those under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information visit our website at -X -.X-X-X-X-X.- to review our Adoption Requirements or fill out an... More Info



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