Location Location South Oralndo Deerfield Home 4 bedroom 2.5 B

Traditional Sale Gourmet Kitchen includes all Stainless Appliances Center Island w cook top Double Convention Oven Granite Counter Tops and Cherry Wood Cabinets.... Master is Down with Whirlpool Garden Tub Dual Sinks and Separate Shower. Connecting Bedrooms with Bonus Room. The Family Room has a wood Burning Fireplace with wood Floors and Vaulted Ceilings and Surround Sound Spearkers. Intercom System with a Sink and Cabinet in Laundry Room. The A C Unit is Brand New with a 10 year Transferable Warranty The Exterior has been Freshly Painted there is a New Side Door leading to Garage. Covered Patio with Pool and Spa Screened in. This Property is Located on a Cul-De-Sac with no Thru Traffic. This home is in Pristine Condition This home is located near Shopping Restauratant s and much more.... Great Location... Please E-Mail for Appointment Negotiatable Bigfist90(at)aol.com OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AUG. 10 11 AM TO 3 PM



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