Buster Blue - Male Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix

BUSTER BLUE NEEDS A FOSTER OR LOVING FOREVER HOME Fosters make it possible for Dogs XL to save and care for homeless and abandoned dogs To learn about fostering dogs like Buster Blue please contact us at -X -.----.- volunteer foster Name Buster Blue Breed Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix Approximate Age 1-2 Years Approximate Weight 50 Lbs Currently Living at Arriving 03 20 16 Meet Buster Blue a young Catahoula Leopard Dog mix boy. Buster Blue is a wonderful boy He is deaf but that doesn t stop him from being happy joyful and full of life. He gets along well with other dogs and he loves to play with them. He is friendly and social and interacts well with the dogs he has met. Buster Blue loves people and he responds lovingly to any attention he receives. Ask us for more information about this awesome boy Request more information about Buster Blue at -X(at)-----X Buster Blue a foster or a loving forever home to lavish love and attention on him. Please open your heart and home to Buster Blue



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