Felicia - Female CorgiShar Pei Mix

So what do you get when you mix a Shar Pei with a Corgi A Porgie Well we just call her Felicia. We cannot be sure on the breeds but it is a pretty good guess. Felicia has the face and ears of a Shar Pei(she looks like a mini me to our Shar Pei)and she has the stocky low rider body of a corgi. Felicia is WAAAAAAY cuter than her pictures she is a little chubster of a girl. She has a little patch of demodex over her eye(it is healing and is NOT contagious). Felicia is a very playful happy outgoing and spunky girl. She will do well with an active family maybe another dog as well Felicia loves to play. She is about 15 weeks old 16 pounds and ready for her happily ever after. Her adoption fee is 299. Please email Kristine at ---XX(at)---.... More Info



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