Ruby - Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Hello. My name is Ruby and I m a one-year-old Terrier mix with abeautiful red coat. They don t know much about my background and I mfinding it a bit overwhelming here at the shelter. The volunteers say I ma bit timid but very AFFECTIONATE. I have VERY GOOD MANNERS and walk wellon a leash. I don t pay much attention when my shelter mates bark as Iwalk through the kennels and I ve had fun in the play yard with othermales. But always remember that proper introductions are necessary whenmeeting other dogs. Everyone has been very nice to me but I would reallylike to find my forever home. I promise to be your FAITHFUL companion andwould love to take long walks with you and car rides too. Please come byand see if we re a good match. Love Ruby Primary Color Red Weight 58 Age 1yrs 1mths 2wks... More Info



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