Bella - Female Standard Schnauzer

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Please contact Angela (----(at)---) for more information about this pet. Sadly we have to rehome our girl Bella. She is a 10 year old miniature Schnauzer who we have had since she was a puppy (from a friend who was a breeder and has since passed away). This was not an easy decision for us and we want her to make sure she gets the love she deserves from her new owners. We always call her the little mother . When she is with other dogs if they start playing or getting rough she always barks and keeps them in line Bella hasn t been around a lot of other dogs but has been with our other dog for the past 8 years and also with my son s two larger dogs when they come to visit. There has never been a problem with them. She has never been around a cat. We can leave Bella all day while we work and she has never had an accident. She has never used a crate. The only bad habit she has is that she likes to get into the bathroom garbage and shred tissues She will play with them until they are little pieces she just loves them Bella is a great watch dog. She will bark if anyone comes near the house. That has always made us feel safe. She will bark when people come in the house but will stop right away when she sees that we know them. We bought Bella when our youngest was 10 so she wasn t around little kids for a long time. Now that we have a 4 year old grandson she gets nervous if he runs around. She has nipped at his clothes when he is running through the house. On the other hand she will take treats from him very gently and loves to sit on the couch with him and watch tv. She will lay next to him while he is quietly playing on the floor. I know she would be great with older children but not recommend smaller more active ones. Bella loves to play fetch. She will play until she has tired us out She loves to run after a big ball push it around the yard. She can play forever. She also enjoys a ride in the car. We take her to our cottage about an hour away and she sometimes will sit in our grandson s car seat so she can see out the window She had been spayed and has been properly vetted since she was a puppy having all her shots. We do have her groomed every once in a while when she starts to look too shaggy but she does look adorable with long hair too Bella is such a sweetheart and this is one of the hardest decisions our family has had to make. She has many years left ahead of her and would make such a great companion for someone. For more information about Bella and to arrange to meet her contact Angela directly at shadagee4226(at)



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