New Home in Central Park, Ready NOW! - Price: 214,956

This Freedom floor plan includes 1 305 square feet of open living space 2 bedrooms den 2 baths 2-car garage 20 tile floors and stylish kitchen with granite countertops white cabinetry and stainless steel appliances. Central Park amenities include a 10-acre park including 2 dog parks tennis courts ball field kid s adventure park splash park covered pavilion & meandering trails. Your home is the center of your life - Central Park embodies this idea with schools attractions shopping dining and grocery stores all minutes from your new home. Experience environmentally conscious living and the utmost in building standards and exceptional green space and sidewalks. Nestled between two top-rated schools B.D. Gullett Elementary and Lakewood Ranch High. Click Here For Details About This Property I can help you find the right home for you. Our Keller Williams high tech search engine is easy to use let s you save your favorite picks and keeps you up-to-date with what is going on in your favorite neighborhood. Alerts customized for you let you be among the first to know when new homes meeting your criteria become available for sale. Let me get you started on your home search today Take advantage of low interest rates and home prices. Call me today at (941) 993-8667 or visit my website at Would you like a little information about Lakewood Ranch Just



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