Southern End Beading Society - Price: Free

The Southern End Beading Society is composed of jewelry makers both novice and experienced who meet the second Tuesday of every month - usually in the Carlson Room of the Quarryville Public Library. At most meetings we have a Show & Tell Time where we exhibit projects members have recently made or need some new ideas on and we also trade info regarding techniques resources etc. At every meeting we have a featured project of the night. There is no cost to participate and details of each meeting (regarding tools and materials needed) are posted both on our Facebook page Southern End Beading Society and available by email. If you are new to jewelry making and don t have the tools needs or supplies members always bring extra items to share. This is a great group of people who laugh alot and encourage each other. Currently we have a display of our work contributed by many members in the lobby case at the Quarryville Library. Questions Please email Jacqui Stoner at joyfuljac(at)



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