Amity is the only Indian Education Group to have established campuses London Singapore and Dubai. Students get the unique opportunity to pursue one semester in these global campuses. At these centrally located state-of-the-art campuses they will not only get taught by leading international faculty but will also get an exposure to the international business world. Further they can also opt for a one week study tour to USA UK Singapore or Dubai.. Thousands of successful Amity alumni are working in coveted corporates across the world. In fact over 30 000 students have got campus placements this year with MBA students getting salary packages of up to Rs.14 lacs p.a. This is ensured by a dedicated Placement Cell at each campus that not only guides students on their career plan but grooms them for success in interviews through group discussion & public speaking techniques. To ensure that world class education is within easy reach of deserving students Amity has tied up with reputed banks to offer easy education loans. Through these exclusive tip-ups students will get the benefit of quicker processing concessions on interest rates and easy repayment options. For further information on Bank Loans Click Here



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