Macaws Macaws and more Macaws and one Amazon

We have baby macaws still being hand fed but ready for a loving home We also have a few 2-3 year old very friendly Macaws available. We have a 5 week old Double Yellow Headed Amazon also very sweet and needs a great home. We also have breeder pairs of all types of macaws available serious inquires only. Our Macaws start at 450 and go up from there.Available Macaws Baby MilitariesBaby Blue and Golds2 yr old Blue and Golds3 yr old Blue and Golds2 yr old Catalina2 year old CamelotIn the nest Catalina sCamelot sEclectus CamebluAnd SEVERAL bonded some proven pairs of Macaws all different types. please Text us directly at (405) x 548 x 5473 anytime and pictures thanks.



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