Maltese Female 4 yr. Spayed Gorgeous and Sweet

MALTESE Always Wanted a Maltese but can t afford huge price We have a gorgeous 4 yr. old Female Spayed Snowy White maltese for sale. We also have her sister is you could find it in your heart and home for the 2 They get along and love each other. They have been very well taken care of fully vetted groomed we are retiring them young. They will give you many years of love and enjoyment as maltese live 12-16 yrs They are hypoallergenic with none to very little shedding. PLEASE PHONE CALLS ONLY IF INTERESTED (812) 240-8214 FOR INFO AND pics. They are special sweet little gals and its too impersonal to adopt them out via text or e-mail. Again they are up to date on shots heartguard and groomed. We are looking for the right home for them and want it to be a good fit for you too.Thank you for calling us and have a blessed holiday season. Each Selling each for 300 OR If you can take the two together 200 each or 400 for the pair



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