Excellent for a single family home or as an investment rental pr

< b> This charming 2 story The Tree House as know by many New College Alumni is perfect for a single family home or as an investment rental property. The bonus room can easily be modified into a 4th bedroom or used to create a private lower level suite. This hidden gem offers a private setting with mature trees and landscape that includes fruit trees two amazing mango trees star fruit papaya Meyers lemon and beautiful Blue Bamboo. Walking distance to the new Performance Center walking distance to Ringling Campus walking distance to shopping and grocery. Kitchen was remodeled recently newer tile floors and newer fixtures. Located in the Historic Coconut District. Roof will need replacement soon - no leaks at this time - just aging. Estimate 7 100.00. No FHA or VA financing available. < b> < b> Call 941-363-1382 for more info.< b> < b> Property Reference Number REF A4401897< b> Single Family HomeBed 3 Bath 2 Sq. Ft 1 590 Yr. Built 1945 WHEN CALLING ABOUT THIS PROPERTY PLEASE PROVIDE < b> Property Reference Number REF A4401897< b> < b> Your Name< b> < b> Contact Number< b> This PROPERTY is FOR SALE ONLY not for rent FIRST TIME HOME BUYER PLEASE CALL TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR THE FIRST TIME HOME BUYER DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Contact Information Jason J Ralston Trend Realty - Realtor 1659 2nd St Sarasota FL 34236 < b> Phone 941-363-1382< b> Listing Provided By APPLE REAL ESTATE LLC Listing Agent Eric Greenstein Trend Realty posts properties with permission from listing agent(s) for a 30 day period of time. Due to current high demand of properties for sale some properties advertised maybe withdrawn cancelled rented pending or sold with in the past 30 days. All information is deemed to be correct but not guaranteed.



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