AKC Shih Tzu Puppies

Solid red sable Male puppies with white markings black fringe and mask.DOB 10 7 2018. Vet checked age appropriate vaccines (1st vaccines already) and deworming done every 2 weeks. These are absolutely beautiful puppies socialized healthy and raised in my home Ethical breeder and I offer lifetime genetics guarantees and health guarantee. Lifelong breeder support. These pups will be on the small size of the standard approximately between 9-12lbs full grown with gorgeous hypoallergenic coats made of hair not fur. 1 200 with Limited AKC registration as pets no breeding rights. Price is FIRM A puppy is a lifetime commitment and shouldn t be purchased on a whim. Please consider this before thinking of purchasing a new family member at this time of year This litter was planned with a lot of consideration and these pups as well as their sire and dam are given total dedication for their well-being from extensive socialization love dedication careful selection of parents (breeding stock) that conform to the Shih Tzu Breed Standard to excellent Veterinary care These are absolutely sweetheart puppies that are also very playful Accepting deposits now. Although I frown upon the Xmas puppy I will hold puppy until Xmas for loving homes... (860) 429-2143



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