Registered Black Angus Cattle

Stratford Angus is a registered black angus breeder located in south-central kansas. We have an annual sale in march selling our top yearling bulls and heifers along with somepregnancies and ET s. We also sell private treaty yearlings to 18 month bulls all year round. We insure our bulls for a 60 day breeding season. Also have repeat buyer discount and freedelivery 300 mile radius. We typically turn over 150 spring born and 125 fall bulls every year. At stratford angus we believe in DNA technology and would be one of a small percentage that 50K all dams sires we use on the ranch as well as seed-stock we sell. We believe this allows us to sell cattle that will perform as close as possible to their EPDs. We also do not sell bulls that are carriers of any know defect. So trust that cattle you purchase from us are as proven as the system allows as well as free of recessive defects. Please contact Steve Stratford at 620-546-1789 for any questions or interest.



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