Pit Bull Terrier Puppies

Priceless Kennels is dedicated to selecting only the best American Pitbull Terriers to lead the next generation. Unlike most other kennels we do not overbreed our dogs neither do we breed for purposes other than to reassemble the past. Here we create best friends blasts from the pasts and an attribute to the American Pitbull Terrier and its role in shaping American history. For this purpose we consider our dogs to be Patriots . Raised in very clean environments with a focus on sound temperament and optimal health Patriots are designed to create hybrid vigor choosing only the best bloodlines of pitbulls from the past to the present day. Our dogs are socialized at an early age and are disciplined to be trustworthy and loyal family members just as well as skillful hunters. Some of the dogs in extension to our pedigree includes dogs of great notability such as Tudor s Goldie Colby s Pincher and Klaus Zeke (within the 7th to 12th generation pedigree) and Sorrells Poor Boy Corvino s Teddy Tonkawa Gray Fox and Gaff s Ca. Primetime (in the 2nd 6th generation). Famous dogs such as Lucenay s Peter (Petey from Little Rascals) and Matuszewski s Nipper can also be traced back to the late 1800 s thru the mid 1930 s as line members to the foundation of the Patriots bloodline. Pups ready to go on April 1st



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