Pickles is a Green-Cheeked Amazon also known as a Mexican Red-Headed Amazon bonded to his best friend Squeaky another Green Cheeked Amazon and they must be adopted together. Pickles and Squeaky are an inseparable pair wherever Pickles goes Squeaky is close behind. These two came to us from their previous owner who had them for at least 10 years. On warm days these two spend time outside flying in the large aviaries among other Amazons and some African Greys. Pickles and Squeaky enjoy being spectators in the drama that unfolds with the larger Amazons that go outside with them. Sometimes they even appear to be egging on the troublemakers. Pickles and Squeaky need a large cage filled with a variety of perches and plenty of enrichment to keep them busy. They need space to stretch their wings and fly. Both birds will adapt to short flights in the house and enjoy time with each other on a stand. An outdoor cage or aviary will allow them the opportunity to soak up those rays of sunshine during good weather. Both birds are handsome they enjoy their time around people as well as with each other. One of their favorite activities is bath time when they take great pleasure making a splish splash and chortling with glee. Primary Color Green Secondary Color Red Weight 0.312 Age 20yrs 9mths 3wks... More Info
Category: Pets - Birds
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