Bella - Female Pointer Mix

Hello all. My name is Bella and I am a beautiful young Pointer mix. My previous home and I weren t a good match so now I m here looking for a great new home. I m an energetic happy-go-lucky girl who is looking for a home that will have time and energy to play with me. I get along with other dogs but do need a home without any cats. (SERIOUSLY NO CATS ) And probably no chickens hamsters bunnies or stuff like that either. I love to do pretty much anything you want like riding in a car going on walks playing and running. I am very social and friendly. I need a little work on a leash (I still get very excited and pull a bit) but with the proper training I ll have my leash skills down in no time. I d be a great dog for someone who likes to get up and go hiking or walking around the lake. Since I m already spayed and UTD on shots I m ready to go home with you today. Please email my foster mom at ---X(at)---XX for more information. Primary Color White Weight 51 Age 2yrs 2mths 3wks... More Info



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