Chandler - Male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Chandler is a wonderful happy go lucky dog that is up for anything ( long as it does not include water). He has passed level one basic training. He knows how to sit lay down wait and stay He walks well on the leash. He is house and crate trained. He sleeps all night in his crate with no complaint about it. Chandler will do best in a quiet home with NO children and NO other dogs. He does live with a cat right now and he does very good with her. This wonderful boy is heartworm positive but just recently went through fast kill treatment so he is well on his way to being cured If you d like to meet this awesome g Chandler I am now heartworm negative thanks to heal a heart and private donors. I m ready for my new family Primary Color Red Brown Weight 64 Age 4yrs 0mths 1wks... More Info



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