Keats - Male Hound (Unknown Type)American Staffordshire Terrier

Hi My name is Keats I am the most handsomest derpiest dog around As you can probably tell by my pictures I came into the shelter a few years ago as a pup and then was adopted. Sadly I had to be returned because my then adopted parent could no longer afford me my care. Although it has been a change for me I can say that I came back knowing ALL of my basic obedience training (sit stay down etc.) and I know some goofy tricks like high five and go get your baby When my foster mom tells me to go get my baby I will search high and low to find my squeaky toy. At this stage in my life I am perfectly well rounded energy wise. I will HAPPILY hang out on the couch for Netflix binges and I will also HAPPILY giddy up some big goof energy to play I am potty trained and to boot I will happily go out in my fenced yard to potty or I am also very excited for walks too I am pretty good friends with my 5 year old hooman (human) foster brother and I love the additional companionship of other dogs I dig cats but unfortunately they trigger my prey drive so a home without that temptation would be great for everyone I am ALWAYS eager to please as my family will ALWAYS come first and I never ever want to let them down. I am the very definition of mans best friend . Once you meet me you ll see how devoted I am for praise and love and I am sure you won t want to let me go Please if I sound like the dog dude of your dreams drop my foster mom an email at ---X(at)--- and she ll be very happy to set up a meet and greet. Oh And before I forget I am already neutered and my adoption fee is 45 Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 80 Age 4yrs 7mths 0wks... More Info



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