Pregnant mare bred to Famous Race horse

Super smart 3yr old Registered AQHA bay mare Meet Autumn Had line bred Palomino Royal King sire Real sweetheart Raised right Stunning mover so athletic She just seems to float when she lopes off Veterinarian checked in foal to the good famous Argentina raced Thoroughbred stallion ROCKING TRICK Yes she really IS He set 2 records on tracks in Argentina He won nearly 230000 Racing His sire is PHONE TRICK that won over 419000 You will want this foal Stud Fee had been 3500 for ROCKING TRICK. ...and Im only asking 2100 for a mare IN FOAL And right on everything else 1st Autumn comes from smart athletic parents From the time she was a baby she has been herd raised human touched Autumn knows what is like to be in the herd have to get along. She knows what it is like to walk inside the barn to see her human friends. Autumn knows how to walk up under a flapping tarp in a rain storm to eat dry hay.... not be scared at all....



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