SIMON - Male Pit Bull Terrier

Visit Simon s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 08 31 simon-2 for photos and more.Well hello gorgeous There s no doubt Simon is handsome and smart as can be but it s his strong desire to bond with his person that will win your heart in an instant. Simon is truly a fine example of a dog from his shiny blue coat to his muscular physique from his charming personality to his loving nature. He will impress you with his intelligence and focus so bring treats and get ready to have some fun. Simon already knows how to sit on command and will easily become an obedience star with a little training.This adorably boy loves to have fun rock and roll and of course take the time to smell the flowers too. He is always thrilled to meet new people and make new friends--and he loves everyone he meets. He has excellent manners so you ll be happy to take him out on the town and show him off. And bring on the lady dogs because Simon adores them and can hardly get enough of spending time with female canine friends.Simon is so eager to engage with people we just know he s going to be the heart of your home and the source of great joy if you choose to adopt him. Don t let this darling steady guy pass you by. Let Simon show you what being an awesome dog is all about.Simon is in foster care so you can fill out our application and email it to us at ------XX(at)--- if you d like to meet him.PBSOC offers adoption counseling via email for large-breed dogs at ------XX(at)---. Visit our adoption page or fill out our adoption application and email it to us. Also like us on Facebook ... More Info



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