Anna - Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Hello there I m Anna and it is wonderful to meet you Have you been looking for an energetic friendly and puppy-like young dog Well then look no further My foster mom tells me that I am one of the sweetest and friendliest dogs that she s ever met. I love everyone I even give great kisses. I am crate trained and mostly house trained already. I also know how to sit nicely. Going for walks is one of my favorite things to do and I walk great on a leash I also love to run and play with my toys especially nylabones and soft squeaky toys. I am still learning how to play nicely with other dogs but I would prefer to be my family s one and only princess. If I sound like a great fit for your family please contact my foster mommy at ---XX(at)--- to set up a meeting Primary Color Brindle- Blue Weight 46 Age 3yrs 10mths 2wks... More Info



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