Celeste - Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Hi I m Celeste and I m so thrilled that you are taking a minute to learn abit about me. I love living in foster care and my foster parents have a lotof great things to say about me. I am a gorgeous girl and am very sweet. Ireally like to cuddle on the couch I am very well behaved in the house andI love all of the cool bones that my foster parents have for me to chew. Iam crate trained and I go in willingly for a tasty treat I sleep in thecrate all night without making a peep I know sit and I listen really wellto my foster parents. I also love going on walks around the block and Iwalk nicely on the leash. I m a great size and age past all of that puppynonsense. If I sound like a good fit for your family please email myfoster mom at -----XX(at)--- to find out more and to meet me XO Celeste Primary Color Blue Secondary Color White Weight 53 Age 4yrs 1mths 0wks... More Info



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