Safe, faster and reliable waste removal service in Melbourne!

Are you worried of your waste and require a service to remove it Call Metropolitan Bin Hire today and get the best waste removal service with an affordable rental price. With all modern skip or bulk bins machines and equipments our professionals know well how to manage your waste and recycle it for environment and health safety. We have a reputation of providing quick reliable bin hire and waste recycling services in the South and South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne since 1985. We collect waste including soil brick tiles concrete and green waste from all the domestic commercial and industrial areas. Our Specialty in waste removal services Fast Reliable Service Same Day Delivery Competitive Pricing Large Range of Bin Sizes Council Permit where needed Friendly Staff We are a proud member of the Victorian Waste Management Association and strictly comply with the EPA guidelines. For more information please Call us on 1300 737 612 or visit Metropolitan Bin Hire to get our services.



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