Elle (mickey) Macpherson - Female Labrador Retriever Mix

Do you want your next companion to be a supermodel Then take a look at Micky She s got an adorable face stunning personality beautiful coat and legs legs legs She s in foster now and we can tell you a lot about her. Here are some quick details She s definitely been well socialized and has no aggression towards people dogs cats or anything really. She s calm likes to be around people and doesn t bark at others when she goes for a walk. She knows sit high five and likes to fetch a tennis ball. She sleeps in the crate at night and doesn t whine or bark. She s housetrained eats well and all is all is a very wonderful dog. We have two cats and two teenagers and she has blended perfectly in the mix. You can contact us at ---(at)--- get any questions answered or to set up a time to meet. Primary Color Yellow Weight 62 Age 7yrs 1mths 1wks... More Info



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