Luxurios Condo in Santa Monica and Beverly Glen/Century City - P

If u see AD....means Available just email your information please... 1500 SQ ft Luxurious condo in Santa Monica Blvd and Beverly Glen. Apartment located close to Century City Santa Monica and Wilshire Westwood Blvd. Walking distance to restaurants Century City movie theaters and grocery stores. Bedroom is furnished with bed desk chair and TV closet with huge mirrors. open living room with brand new hardwood floors and an excellent kitchen with granite counter tops stainless steel appliances Also washer and dryer in unit. Rent is 1500 included utilities Internet and cabal. I am looking for a professional employed mature person who is friendly reliable a non-smoker does not do drugs and FINANCIALLY STABLE AND MUST B CLEAN with a secure and stable job Must NOT work at home..... No pets. If interested please email about yourself and ready to meet . . . Applicant must be employed or local student responsible and very clean and seeking a relaxed atmosphere and environment Condo furnished with luxury and beautiful furniture (modern Italian Furniture import from Italy) AVAILABE NOW & READY TO MOVE. One month rent plus one month deposit and background check requires per building policy. There will be a contract month to month lease for both our protection. About me I am professional lady



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