ADORABLE AKC registered Shih Tzu Puppies. 3 sweet and loving teddy bear faced gorgeous baby boy and gilrs 9 weeks old. They will come with their AKC registration papers their age appropriate set of shots administered by an amazing veterinarian as well as a thorough well puppy exam and a sample of their puppy food (Blue Buffalo which is the BEST FOOD ON THE MARKET) and a toy.We deliver anywhere MANY MORE PICTURES AVAILABLE A LITTLE INFO ON US We are a small hobby breeder which means our animals are our family members and pets first and foremost. We do NOT believe in back to back breeding or keeping our animals in cages. They live in our home with us beside us and are loved on interacted with and played with on a daily basis. Our babies are raised around children and other animals. We keep ALL our animals in a clean and sterilized environment. Their health is extremely important to us as we love them dearly and make sure they have the best veterinarian care including routine and scheduled vet visits. We are also happy to provide references from many satisfied and happy owners who can attest to the love care and attention we pour into our babies. We DO NOT sell to puppy mills or pet stores only loving and caring homes. We want the very best for our babies so please do not take offense if we ask questions regarding the care you will provide for one of our babies.



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