Jackapoo- Miranda

Miranda - Jack-A-Poodle Born Feb. 4 2018 Superbowl niteFather- Jack Russell- White brown spots . Short legged muscular build smart as a whipMother - White miniature poodle. Sweet and very smart.Miranda has one black eye and salt& pepper eye. She is furry soft. Miranda is white with little black spots all over and a spot on tail. She loves to cuddle on shoulder. She listen and come a running when called. She is the first born of litter of pups. Clever Strong & Fast take after the father side. Miranda means Worthy of admiration. 1)Dew claws removed and tails cropped.2) First round- nine in one shots and dewormed.3) Puppy padded trained.4) She can round over. I am potty training now.5) Hypoallergenic



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